Dec 17, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: New to Me Authors in 2013

When I was surrounded by fellow bibliophiles in grad school, I realized that there were so many children's/YA/fiction books I had yet to explore.  Thus began my adventure to read everything on #TheList, every title mentioned in the classroom, every amazing book I passed in a bookstore (I take pictures of every book that looks interesting so I don't forget), etc.  So there are always "new to me" authors I encounter that already have established fandoms.  Here are some of my favorites from this past year:

Top Ten "New to Me" Authors in 2013
(Titles I read in 2013 in parentheses)

1. John Green (The Fault in Our Stars, An Abundance of Katherines)
Okay, my first on the list and I'm cheating.  I read Looking for Alaska a few years ago.  BUT, The Fault in Our Stars really got me hooked on Green's writing and also led me to his vlogs which are both insightful and hysterical.  I've added the rest of his works to my "To Be Read" short list.

2. Marie Lu (Legend, Prodigy, Champion)
I read all three of the Legend series books this year, which I'm sure most people will do now that they're all available. I felt I had to take this crash course in them because my students were utterly obsessed with this series.  I hope she writes a non-dystopian in the future; I'm curious about where she'll go as an author.

3. Neil Gaiman (The Graveyard Book, The Ocean at the End of the Lane)
I've always known that Neil Gaiman is practically worshipped as a literary god by most of the internet world, but had never really gotten into his works.  I picked up Ocean on a whim and ended up reading it in one sitting.

4. Megan McCafferty (Sloppy Firsts)
After hearing so much about Jessica Darling throughout grad school, I finally experienced the character for myself.  Needless to say, I will be reading the rest of the series ASAP, as well as McCaffertys Bumped series.

5. Sherlock
Okay, this doesn't count as an author, but alongside Buffy, this show is all library school students (and professors) talk about.  I crossed it off my list this year and eagerly anticipate Season 3.

6. Frances Hodsgon Burnett (The Secret Garden)
I'm positive that I tried reading The Secret Garden and A Little Princess as a child, but couldn't finish them because I was am a brat that stays away from classics. But I enjoyed and appreciated this novel this time around, so perhaps there's hope for me yet!

7. Carolyn Mackler (The Earth, My Butt & Other Big Round Things)
I'll admit I believed that Earth would be a bit of a fluffy read, but Mackler took a frequently used trope (teen upset with body image) and added a twist.  I'll definitely be reading more of her works in the future.

8. Emily M. Danforth (The Miseducation of Cameron Post)
Cameron Post is one of my top 5 books of this year.  It's also Danforth's debut novel and I can't wait for her next.

9. Sarah Dessen (Someone Like You)
For years, I've passed the shelves filled with her (very pretty) books and I finally got a chance to see what all the fuss was about.

10. Robert Galbraith (The Cuckoo's Calling)
Wow this author was really terrific.  I hope he's written other books...

Check out more over at The Broke and the Bookish!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you snuck in a Sherlock plug:) Love that show (and Buffy of course). I very much liked the one book I've read by Neil Gaiman (American Gods) and I need to read more. I was intrigued by all the reviews of Ocean at the End of the Lane this year. Interesting list!
